=== Eleslider === Contributors: Dannci Donate link: http://wpmasters.org/make-it-easy Tags: responsive slider, elementor, full-width, full-width slider Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 4.9.4 Stable tag: 1.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == Don't hassle with bloated slider plugins. Make it easy! Eleslider plugin adds 'slider' custom posts and simple widget which can be used in the Elementor page builder. You can display full-width sider in your layouts this way. [DEMO](http://dannci.wpmasters.org/plugins/eleslider/) Eleslider is not a full-width slider just for Elementor plugin. You can use it in almost any good page builder plugin. = Overview: = 1. **create few Slider posts** in left dashboard menu. One 'Slider post' represents one slide in the slider. 2. **set featured image for every slider post**, add slide content (titles/text), and sort/list slider posts into own categories. 3. display these slider posts as slider. **In Elementor page builder add 'Eleslider' block into full-width section**. Alternatively, you can use a shortcode to display the slider. Add the shortcode on any page to display a 'Slider posts' as a slider. For example:
[eleslider category="lifestyle" posts="3" order="ASC"]
= Shortcode Options: = * Basic shortcode: [eleslider] * *category* - Represents single slide category (group). [eleslider category="lifestyle"] Use category 'slugs', * *posts* - Number of slider posts (slides) to show; * *order* - Value can be 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Order of slider posts (slides) to be shown. Order is based on slider post publish date. * *dots_text* - Value can be 'yes' or 'no'. If dots_text option is enabled, titles of slides will be shown in the "dots" navigation. == Installation == - upload 'eleslider' folder into '...wp-content\plugins\' folder - go to Dashboard > Plugins and activate 'Eleslider' plugin, - That's all == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is the correct size of the image for Eleslider? = Slider displays images 'as they are'. Slider stretches these images to the full width of the screen (or available space). Recommended size for full-width purposes is 1600x750px == Screenshots == 1. 1) create **Slider posts** in left dashboard menu. One 'Slider post' represents one slide in the slider. 2. 2) set featured image for every slider post, add slide content (titles/text). 3. 3) display slider posts as a slider: In Elementor page builder add 'Eleslider' block into full-width section (note: in Elementor edit mode is sliding disabled, only first slide is visible). == Changelog == = 1.3 = * Added: 'bg_image' class for slider images = 1.2 = * Added: "dots" navigation * Added: 'loading' icon = 1.1 = * Added: "dots" navigation * Added: 'loading' icon = 1.0 = * Initial release